2 Trends In Home Safes That No Thief Can Crack Or Steal


Many people put little research behind the home safes they choose, and they then regret it when their home is broken into and the contents of the safe, or the entire safe itself, are missing. Keep in mind that while thieves are in a hurry to get in and out of your home during a burglary, most will spend a few extra minutes to crack a safe or get it out of the home, because they assume there are very valuable items inside. Follow these tips for choosing a safe that no determined crook can crack or steal. 

1. Choose Under-the-floor Instead of In-the-wall

Criminals catch onto common tactics used to hide valuables, and all you have to do is watch any movie featuring home burglars to know there was once a trend of in-wall safes hidden behind artwork or family photos. While once a good tactic for hiding safes, thieves have caught onto the tactic, so it is time to move to a new, more secure one. 

Many people are now installing safes under their floors, and they are conveniently called "underfloor safes". The one disadvantage of these safes is they cannot be used in homes with post-tension cables in their foundations. These cables make the safes impossible to install. 

However, most homes do not have these cables and are good candidates for this type of safe. They are typically installed in garages and cemented to the floor with concrete. There are handy online installation instructions available if you plan to install one yourself. Professional installation is also very affordable and easier for people who don't have experience working with concrete. 

2. Pick a Secure Door and Lock

If you choose an under-the-floor safe, then even if a thief does locate your safe, then he or she will see they have no chance of taking it with them when it is cemented into the ground. That means their next task will be attempting to break into the safe to steal what's inside. Dial and electronic keypad locks are considered equally secure, although the most secure dial locks are rated UL 768 or higher. Just as important as the dial is the fact that the door is thick steel and has a good locking bolt design. 

A safe professional advises to choose robust bolt work and not be fooled into thinking a larger number of locking bolts is necessarily better. A few good-quality bolts designed properly will give your safe more strength than a larger number of poorly designed ones. An anti-drill hard plate is also a very important reinforcement that should be on the inside of the safe door to protect it against drills thieves may try to use to get in it. 

If you are looking into a safe for your home, then choose the most secure one you can, or you will just make it easier for thieves to find your valuables quickly and take them. Under-the-floor safes are secure options, but whatever safe you choose, make sure the door and locks are secure, so your safe cannot be broken into. If you have specific questions about how a safe functions, contact a business like Georges Lock & Security Service.


22 June 2015

adding flood monitoring to your home security system

Do you live in an area that is prone to flooding? Did you know that there are features available to add to your home security system that could alert you of flooding in your home? How does this feature work? How could it help to protect you family? If you are interested in learning about adding flood monitoring to your home security system, visit my site. There, you can find information about these systems and read about how mine helped my family during the big flood last year. It is my hope that the information provided will help others avoid disasters when their homes flood.