A Few Methods Used To Protect Your Personal Identification


In this new, technological world a lot of personal data is stored on computers and transferred over the Internet. Medical records and financial data are no longer stored on a computer that is completely isolated and not connected to anything else. These records contain not only your name and address but also your insurance information, banking account numbers, credit card information, and quite possibly medical information you do not wish to have made public knowledge.

6 April 2016

Home Security Tips


If recent criminal activity in your area has made you rethink the security of your home, then you want to take extra steps to ensure that your house is as secure as possible. You can learn about some of the things you could be doing to increase your home security by reading the following: Have a family meeting about home security The first thing you want to do is to have a family meeting and make sure everyone in your household knows what you expect from them regarding helping to keep your house a safer place.

30 March 2016

Scared To Be In Your Home At Night? 2 Things You Should Consider To Make You Feel Safer


If you often feel scared during the night in your home, you can make your home more secure to help you feel better. Below are two ways you can do this, so you will sleep much better at night knowing you and your family are safe. Security System The best thing you can do is to contact a security company to have security system installed in your home. There are many different types of security systems you can choose from, including:

12 February 2016

Important Features To Look For When Purchasing A Home Safe


Many people often prefer to keep their important documents, family heirlooms and other valuable items in a home safe instead of in a safe deposit box away from home. This is one of the best ways to protect you valuables from being damaged, lost or stolen and allows easier access to the stored items when necessary.  There are many different types and sizes of home safes on the market and each has different features.

22 October 2015

2 Trends In Home Safes That No Thief Can Crack Or Steal


Many people put little research behind the home safes they choose, and they then regret it when their home is broken into and the contents of the safe, or the entire safe itself, are missing. Keep in mind that while thieves are in a hurry to get in and out of your home during a burglary, most will spend a few extra minutes to crack a safe or get it out of the home, because they assume there are very valuable items inside.

22 June 2015

6 Ways To Keep Your Party Safe And Secure


Planning a party of any kind can mean trouble for you and the people attending if you don't take the time to take the safety and security of your guests into consideration. How can you plan a big party and ensure the safety of your guests? Limit the Guest-list You may be tempted to invite everyone and anyone that you know, but the more people that you have at the party, the more likely things are to get out of control.

18 June 2015

2 Things An Executive Protection Team Could Do For You


Oftentimes, high-powered executives find themselves in a pickle. You spent years to build your business, but that won't stop jealous strangers from haggling you about your wealth. Although you might not think twice before riding the subway or renting a car just like anyone else would, the fact of the matter is that acting like a normal civilian could put you in danger. Here are two things an executive protection team could do for you, and why they might be a worthwhile investment:

23 April 2015

New Tech That Allows Security To Stop Crimes In Your Business Before They Occur


If you run a business of just about any variety, chances are good that you're going to need protection in order to make sure that no harm comes to your person or your property. The problem is that a guard can only intervene in situations where they know that there's a problem. Here are some technologies that can make security guards more effective at getting to where they can prevent crime in your business.

16 April 2015